Guidance & Student Support Services
Greg Wasserman
High School Guidance Department
Our guidance department is here to facilitate a student’s academic, social, emotional, and post-secondary development. Each student is assigned a counselor for four years. During that time counselors seek to establish a rapport with their counselees and assist them with academic and personal issues. As student advocates, we are here to help students obtain needed services while encouraging them to take challenging courses and programs to develop their potential.
Additionally, counselors oversee student progress in high school by monitoring report card grades and by tracking graduation requirements. Each year, counselors also review course requests to assure that students are current with graduation requirements and that the courses are appropriate for the students’ post-high school plans.
Another major function of our office is the college planning process. Starting in 9th grade we work with students to discuss everything from getting involved in school to goal setting to preparing for college. Throughout students’ high school careers, we focus on different programs through workshops and night events catered to post-secondary planning.
We hope this website provides answers to some of your questions and details some of the offerings we provide to you and your children. However, we encourage both students and parents to contact us to answer any questions that may arise. As a team, we are here to work towards student success.
Middle School Guidance Department
Middle school is an exciting, yet challenging time for students and their parents. During this passage from childhood to adolescence, middle school students are characterized by a need to explore a variety of interests, connecting their learning in the classroom to its practical application in life and work. Students search for their own unique identity and begin turning more frequently to peers rather than parents for ideas and affirmation. There is a heavy reliance on friends to provide comfort, understanding and approval.
Through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program, counselors work as a team with school staff, parents and the community. The counselors create a caring, supportive climate and atmosphere whereby young adolescents can achieve academic success. Middle school counselors enhance the learning process and promote academic achievement. School counseling programs are essential for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set appropriate career goals and realize full academic potential. The goal of our program is to help our students become productive, contributing members of the world community.