Plainedge Teacher Center
The Plainedge Teacher Center is located in the Plainedge Middle School and welcomes all members of the Plainedge family to utilize its resources.
The Plainedge Teacher Center Policy Board is comprised of elementary teachers, secondary teachers, teaching assistants, administrators, and parents from the Plainedge School District. In addition, representatives from Maria Regina Catholic School, YES Community Counseling Center, and Molloy College also serve on the Policy Board. Collectively we bring a diverse range of expertise to the table. We work collaboratively to improve teacher performance and student achievement in the Plainedge School District.
Plainedge Teacher Center
Plainedge Middle School
200 Stewart Avenue
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 992-7473
Deborah Fallon
Course/Workshop Offerings
- Registration for all courses and workshops is available on My Learning Plan for district staff members using the District Catalog link!
- Registration for NYSUT ELT courses takes place on My Learning Plan, under the NYSUT tab.
Facilitator Information
The Guidelines Listed Below are STATE MANDATED and MUST be followed accordingly…
- Attend “Instructor Guidelines Seminar” — The workshop will be offered upon request.
- Submit a resume (out-of-district instructors) or submit a course proposal on My Learning Plan (in-house instructors).
- Course proposal must explain how the course will impact student learning.
- Instructor MUST collect evidence of participants’ learning (journals, lessons, artifacts, reflection papers, anecdotal records of improvement, etc.).
- Submit course outline with clear goals and objectives.
- Be responsible for keeping attendance, maintaining high expectations, etc.
- Provide copies of course handouts and class material to the Teacher Center Director.
- Clearly provide location, dates, and hours.
Types of Courses that May be Offered:
- 2-Hour Effective Teaching Institute (ETI) Workshops
- 6-Hour Seminars
- 15-Hour Courses (=1 in-service credit)
- 45-Hour, 3-graduate credit courses (affiliated with an accredited college or university)