Google Classroom
Welcome to the parent and student center for Google Classroom resources.
Please contact your teacher directly if you are having any issues with Google.
Resolving the Issue: Unable to log in to Google Classroom and Unauthorized error
1. Try logging into Gmail or Drive first, then open Google Classroom. Once users have logged into Drive then the Classroom may open up without the error.
2. The error might be due to having multiple Google accounts in chrome on a single device. We have seen this resolved by signing out of other google accounts before adding the new account for your child’s account. If possible, try to use a different device or use a different web browser for different accounts. For example, use Chrome to sign in for one child and then use Safari, Mozilla, or Internet explorer to sign in for another child’s account.
3. If non-district devices are being used, we recommend that a virtual desktop is used. The virtual desktop link can be found in the Student menu on our Plainedge School District website.