Health Screenings
New York State Education law requires all new students to the district (including kindergarten) as well as, students in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, to have physical exams. They are due in the health office by October 15. It is best to have this done by your own physician. If that is not possible, the nurse can arrange to have your child seen by the doctor retained for our school for a very brief assessment. Forms are available in the nurses office and on our website to give to your doctor. Only NYS Health Examination Forms are accepted, click here to download. If you have scheduled a physical beyond October 15 please let the nurse know. Physicals completed during the prior school year are perfectly acceptable.
Hearing Screening
This is done for all new entrants and students in grades kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, and any time a student, parent or teacher makes a request. A pure tone sweep screening will be conducted. If your child responds outside of the normal range as indicated by the New York State Education Department he/she will be re-screened with the pure tone threshold test. If your child fails again a referral for your health care provider will be sent home. If the nurse feels your child’s head cold or ear infection is the reason for failure, the nurse will re-screen at a later date.
Vision Screening
New York State requires students to be able to see at 20/30 acuity or better. Anything less than this will result in a referral. Screening for near vision and distance will be required for students in grades kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11. All new entrants will be screened for color blindness, distance and near vision during their first year at their school.
New York State requires screening in grade 5 and 7 for girls and 9 for boys. Your child will be examined for spinal curvatures in the spring. A referral will be sent home only for positive findings.