Plainedge Public Schools
Plainedge Public Schools

Our Plainedge High School Seniors and our Kindergarten students from John H. West, Charles E. Schwarting, and Eastplain Elementary Schools came together at midfield tonight to “pass the torch”. This ceremony symbolizes the passing of tradition and legacy to our younger generation.
This new tradition of unity also highlights the importance of mentorship, collaboration, and community spirit. The seniors, who have spent their years in Plainedge, learning and growing, now serve as role models for the young children who will one day follow in their footsteps. The moment of meeting serves as an acknowledgment of our community that supports and nurtures each student, regardless of their age or grade level.
By creating such a meaningful and symbolic event, our Plainedge High School students, along with the elementary school students, reinforce the idea that education is not just about individual achievement. It is about the collective strength of the entire school community, united through shared experiences, and the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next.
Thank you to the PTSAs for creating passing the torch engraved 2025 & 2037 silicone bracelets for our students to wear.
Thank you to our seniors for writing messages of inspiration and encouragement to our younger generation.

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