by Plainedge SD | Dec 20, 2023 | Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Plainedge High School
Congratulations to @vin_petzold on winning the prestigious Martone Award, best lineman in the county, as well as Defensive Player Of the Year last night at Nassau County Football Awards...
by Plainedge SD | Jul 18, 2023 | Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Plainedge High School
*Note: Must be cleared by nurse in order to try out. All forms (health physical, parent permission, and health interval) on ParentSquare (new electronic platform for district communication) must have been completed for nurse to see. Try out info for the first two...
by Plainedge SD | Jul 12, 2023 | Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Plainedge High School, Plainedge Middle School
Below you will see the start of the athletic seasons for the school year 2023-24. It is fully suggested to get your child(ren) a physical done as soon as you can. Athletic physicals must be performed and approved by your child’s doctor within one year of each sport...
by Plainedge SD | Jul 6, 2023 | Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Plainedge High School, Plainedge Middle School
Below you will see the start of the athletic seasons for the school year 2023-24. It is fully suggested to get your child(ren) a physical done as soon as you can. Athletic physicals must be performed and approved by your child’s doctor within one year of each sport...